Benefits of Going Green in Developed Cities

Pursuing ecofriendly ways of living is not only applied in personal lives but also it can be applied through policies and can be imposed on the city planning and its development. This trend has been seen as an initiative by many developed countries as they see it as a means not only for benefit but for aesthetics. Here are the benefits of going green among many developed countries and cities.

Better Public Mental Health

Greener and ecofriendly cities have reported better mental health among its citizenry as they pursue a healthier policies and methods for the city. Clean and greener parks help people relieve stress and increased number of trees and vegetation in the city area contribute to a high level of mental health among the people.

Case in point, Australian solar lighting initiatives greatly contribute to the better mental public health of the people in its cities. Polluted cities reported to have higher levels of aggression with its citizens and higher rates of crime annually.

Cost Cutting Mechanisms

Green initiatives also account for cost cutting mechanisms for modern cities. With solar powered streets and recycling bins around the city it could counter the costs of the city thus it helps with the cost around the city such as park maintenance and street cleaning and the cost of electricity.

Thus, keeping the environment clean also has its perks of having lesser cost and more budget for parks and other recreational areas for the people to enjoy. Taxes can now be fully focused on important areas in the development of people’s lives and the growth of the city’s economy.

Helps the Economy

Having a greener and well-developed city also offers the in aiding with the economy in terms of tourism. Greener and well-developed cities have been found to have more tourists visit the place compared to cities who has no initiative for ecofriendly policies.

The difference between the two is that ecofriendly policies tend to make the city cleaner and more welcoming to visitors. With more parks and amenities, green cities tend to enjoy the constant visit of tourists. Also in many western states, having ecofriendly policies meant more support from the national government through tax incentives and other benefits as well.

Lower Health Problems

With green cities also meant that there are less pollutants and less disease-causing germs in the city, which lead to a higher quality of life among the citizens, reporting to be happier and more contented with their lives and has lesser health problems as compared to other polluted areas. People in green cities also reported to have a more positive perception on living permanently and establishing a family in the city because of its culture and approach with health and wellness.

Well-developed cities with the capacity to embrace such modern beneficial means to help save the environment are also most likely to have less environmental problems and issues in the future, as such investing on ecofriendly means is also investing on insurance for the future of the city.